You caught me with my mouth full! Oftentimes breakfast comes after an hour or so on the road at whatever resource one can find. These happened to be cheeze and ham empanadas along with a big cup of instant coffee.
Housing is a big issue in many parts of the world. Peru and to some extent Chile have situations where 'squatters' have taken over private lands, erected a house made of reeds(symbolic only since there is no water or electricity or anything even around these dry desert dwellings.) This building is for beach use. Light weight,thin wood,easily put up, the interior frame was made of wood strips about 1"x2 1/2 ". Hardly any structural rigidity but in an earthquake zone?
The Albatross are well fed on the beach at Papudo.
Early morning snack set up on a beach you had to pay a higher price to visit. Since this was in an 'exclusive' area with many mansions old and new, they didn't want just anyone showing it costs more to go to this beach.
An artist intent on his work gets his best light and fewer interruptions in the morning before more people arrive.
An amazing number of houses are shuttered up 9 months a year. After January 1st everything is full until school starts again in March
Lovely beach at Zapear with hillside houses dotting the landscape.
Randy, my riding buddy sharing dinner with Valeria Opazo de Lawling,our hostess in Papudo (Valeria also lives on Vashon Island,well Docton, to be more specific)
Christmas morning I had to go jog and see if I still had the legs. Everything still works fine and what a lovely place to jog. The Xmas tree on the beach was a suprise.
The original text written in 1545 claims Papudo to be of extraordinary quality standing out in all the new world. I believe it, so do lots of others for while Papudo's 'recent hayday' was in the 1920'-30' with large stately mansions lining the Malecón, condos are going up all over the hills, a sure sign of a growing economy in Chile.
notice the walkway in front of the homes on the lower slopes. Valeria's place is in the area toward the point. I was conflicted about staying or leaving and put off the decision so I could stay for Xmas eve and Xmas day. Sometimes just getting on the bike and hitting the road is a strong push. This time my butt got a couple more days of rest.
Papudo is a Chilean commune located in the Petorca Province, Valparaíso Region. We can plan a short trip to Chile with your friends and family. We can hire a car in advance for visiting all the important places. Find out more by visiting this website.